Our PTA is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to reach out if you have questions. 

Interested in an open board position? Contact us at!


  • President: Jessica Nickerson
  • 1st VP (Aide to President & Programs): Juanita Armstrong
  • 2nd VP (Membership): Megan Benavides
  • 3rd VP (Fundraising): Becca Eby
  • Secretary: Misty Meador
  • Treasurer: Katie Brugger
  • Parliamentarian: Brenda Boston
  • Socials: Melissa Hannon & Alisha Woodall
  • Communication: Marisa Frizzell & Amy Trammell
  • Hospitality: Samantha Pederson
  • Multicultural: Brooke Bujol
  • Legislation: Kelly Neugebauer-Smith
  • Arts in Education/Reflections: Katie Daffer
  • Clothes Closer Rep: Jen Lopez & Amanda Cronin
  • Environmental: Jodi Cairns